follow up your class



Ban plastic bags in grocery stores
Cigarettes should be illegal
All schools should require student uniforms
The environmental impact of tourism
How to make a presentation
Introduce the subject: (What exactly are you going to speak about? Situate the subject in time and place, in relation to the audience and its importance. Give a rough idea or a working (práctica, suficiente) definition of the subject.)
· I plan to speak about../I'm going to talk about...
· The subject of my presentation is../The theme of my talk is...
· I was asked to speak about X because.../I've been asked to talk to you about...
Grab the audience's attention ...
- by saying:
· Have you ever heard of/seen X?/You've probably seen countless times.../You may have wondered...
- with rhetorical questions:
. Can crime really be prevented?/Has the role of teachers changed in the past years?
- with interesting facts:
. According to an article I read recently,.../Did you know that...?/ Have you ever heard of...?
. I’d like to share an amazing fact with you.
- starting with an anecdote:
. Let me tell you what happened to me.
- with problems to think about: (use conditional type 2 or 3)
. Imagine/Suppose/Supposing you had/wanted to...
. Have you ever wondered what would happen/would have happened if...?
- quoting a well-known person
. As X once said,/To quote a well-known writer,/To put it in the words of X,.../According to ...
Establish your specific objectives:
. My purpose in doing this presentation is to give you a solid background on the subject of.. so that ...
· What I would like to do today is to explain.../to illustrate...
to give a general overview of... (gral perspective)
to outline... (main ideas/facts without the details)
to have a look at...
Formulate your content specifying your outline. (Keep it simple with 2 or 3 points):
· I have broken my speech down/up into X parts./I have divided my presentation (up) into Y parts.
· In the first part I'll/am going to give a few basic definitions, in the next section I'll/going to explain ... and in the last place / and last but not least, I'll/am going to...
. First,...(more formal)/First of all,.../In the first place, I'd like to start by giving my
opinion on the impact of X on Y (it's a good idea to rephrase the issue)... / To begin
with,.../To start with, let me express my view on the pros and cons of working/using...
. Then,/In the second place,/Besides (neutral) / Furthermore (formal) / Moreover (more
formal),..., I'll move on to the issue of whether X are dangerous... (Use an indirect
. Finally, I'd also like to answer/deal with the question of how X... (Use an indirect
Body Possibilities for organizing your ideas:
- logical
- chronological order
- from general to specific
- from known to unknown
- from accepted to controversial
- cause/effect
- problem/solution
And don't forget to illustrate through examples.
Introduce a point:
. First of all I'd like to point out../The main problem is../The fact is that...
. The question of../Speaking of...
. Regarding the first point, ...
Or you may begin by stating sth as a fact:
. As everyone knows... / It is generally accepted that.../It is a fact that... / It is widely known that..
. There can be no doubt that... / Nobody will deny that...
List information: To provide several reasons, factors or arguments in a row, you have to organize them in a logical way:
· There are three things we have to consider: A, B and C.
· Now let us(formal)/let's (informal) look at the first aspect which is.../First,...(more formal)/First of all,…/
In the first place,.../To begin with,.../To start with, I'd like to say/to mention that...
. Second,...(more formal)/Secondly,... /In the second place,.../In addition to that,.../Apart from that, ... /Besides(informal and neutral)/Furthermore(formal)/Moreover(more formal),.../Another example of this is ..
. Finally,.../Finally, and perhaps most importantly,.../Lastly.../Last but not least...
. In conclusion,.../All in all,.../All things considered,... (considering every part of a situation)
Or move to the next point:
· That's all I would like to say about .... (subject of part A) and now let us turn to ....
· Now that we've seen ... let us examine more closely...
. This leads directly to my next point/This brings us to the next question/Let’s now move on/turn to /After examining this point, let’s turn to... / Let’s now take a look at...
. Next, I would like to draw attention to ...
Or go back:
. As I said / mentioned / pointed out earlier,... / As I’ve already explained..
. Let me come back to what I said before... / Let’s go back to what we were discussing earlier...
Outline options (Alternative ways of looking at a topic or proposal or different ways of dealing with the situation)
· There seem to be two possibilities of dealing with this.....
· We've looked at this from the point of view of the manufacturer but what about if we were to...
· A number of options present themselves at this point....
Advantages and disadvantages:
· What exactly are the benefits?/On the plus side we can add..../The advantages are ...
· This is not the only weakness/strength of the plan.../We cannot ignore the problems that such an
action would create...
Give an example:
· Now let's take an example/An example of this can be found.../To illustrate this…
· Let's see this through an example/For example, for instance,...
· Let me rephrase that/In other words/Another way of saying the same thing/That is to say
· To summarize/To sum up,.../Let me summarize by saying (only the main information given and not details)
· So that concludes my overview/In conclusion,...
· Briefly said/In short,...
· What I've tried to show in this part.../To recap what we've seen so far...
· To cut a long story short...
· What is very important is.../What is important to remember...
· I'd like to emphasize/to stress/to highlight/to underline the fact that...
· What I've tried to bring out is...(resaltar, poner de manifiesto)/What we need to focus on...
Refer to what you have said previously:
· As I have already said earlier.../As we saw in part one.../To repeat what I've said so far...
Refer to common knowledge:
· It is generally accepted that.../It is believed (that)/ It is common/public knowledge that...
· As you all may well know.../As you are probably aware of...
Refer to what you will say:
· We will see this a little later on/This will be the subject of part 3/We will go into more detail on that
later/For now it is suffice to say that../I will deal with this subject later.
Refer to what an expert says:
· I quote the words of .../There is a famous quotation that goes.../In the words of
· According to..../Here I'd like to quote As Mr. X says in his book...
Give your opinion: *See opinions.
Indicate the end is coming:
· Well, this brings me to the end of what I wanted to say about ....
· As a final point I'd like to say/add that.../Finally, I'd like to highlight one final/key issue.
· My final comments concern..../I would like to finish by mentioning...
· That covers just about everything I wanted to say about...
Briefly summarize your speech in a few lines to make sure the audience has retained the main points:
. I'd like to summarise/sum up/Let me summarize by saying...
· At this stage I would like to run through/over the main points...
· So, as we have seen today..../As I have tried to explain,...
Draw a conclusion:
· In conclusion I can/would like to say that.../The obvious conclusion is.../All things considered,...
· The only possible solution/conclusion is....
· I would like to finish by reminding everyone that.../quoting ...​
Recommendations, proposals, lesson learnt (optional):
. As a result we suggest that.. In the light of what we have seen today I
suggest that......
· My first proposal is......
Thank the audience for listening to you.
Invite the audience to ask questions or open a discussion (optional).
I’m going to talk about the media. I’ll give a general overview of the topic and focus my monologue on three points. First, I'll consider the advantages of ..., next, the disadvantages of ... and then I'll finish with the types of media I use the most.
Regarding the first point, it is widely known that ...
Secondly, taking into account the disadvantages, I'd like to ...
And last but not least, let's consider ...
In conclusion, ...