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Prepare your oral:


- Include vocabulary about money. 
Remember that you do not have to answer all the questions provided in the monologue.
- Include the appropriate structures (present simple, present perfect, past simple, should, expressing opinions, expressing likes, etc)
- Connectors (so, besides, however, although, whereas, on the one hand, etc.). 


- Are you a spender or a saver?
- Have you ever saved up a lot of money to buy something that you really wanted?
- Have you ever lost a credit card or your wallet?
- Have you ever lent money to someone who didn't pay you back?
- Have you ever wasted money on something unnecessary?
​- Have you ever been charged too much in a restaurant or bar?
- If you were completely broke, who would you ask to lend you some money?
- Have you ever bought something the first day it went on sales? What?
- Do you know anybody who has set up a new business? Is it successful?
- Have you ever had money problems? Explain them.



A Your partner has bought something unnecessary for the house, although he/she knows that you can't afford it. You are going to have an argument with him/ her about it and tell that you need him/her to ask for the money back. There's a problem with the item. Try to find a solution.

B You've bought something that you've always liked, although your partner thinks it's totally unnecessary. Try to convince him/her that you need it and you can't take it back to the shop because of a problem. Give solutions to your money problems. Get to an agreement.


A You lent money to a relative and he/she hasn't given you back any of it. You need your money to purchase something. You want to ask your relative to give it back to you but you don't know how because you've already told him/her and he/she didn't do anything. Ask your friend for suggestions. Tell him/her that now you are very disappointed about it. Reflect about if you would ever lend someone else money again.

B Your friend has a problem with some money he/she lent and needs your suggestions. He lent money to a relative who hasn't given him/her anything back. You went through a similar situation a few years ago. Tell him/her what happened and how you solved it and give him/her ideas to recover it.


A You've recently won a big amount of money playing the lottery and you want to make the best with it although you don't know what to do with it. Ask you friend for suggestions and also tell your friend about your ideas and reflect his opinions. Decide which one is the best for you.

B You know that your best friend has just won a big amount of money playing the lottery, but he doesn't know what to do with it. Give your friend some ideas and ask him/her which one he'll decide and why.


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