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affectionate adj 


Dogs are very friendly and affectionate pets. 

aggressive adj 


He’s very aggressive and often gets into fights. 

ambitious adj


Paul is really ambitious and is studying very hard at school.

anxious adj


My sister is very anxious and is always stressed.

attractive adj


Darren’s new girlfriend is really attractive.

bad-tempered adj

/bæd ˈtempəd/

Our neighbour is bad-tempered so I don’t like talking to him.

bossy adj


My husband is very bossy and is always telling me what to do.

charming adj


Nicola’s new boyfriend is charming and friendly.

clever adj


My sister is really clever and wants to study medicine.

competitive adj


I don’t like playing football with Jason – he’s too competitive!

dishonest adj


I think Jenny is being dishonest about her past.

disorganized adj


Our secretary is so disorganized – we never know when meetings are booked.

friendly adj


Our new neighbour is really friendly.

generous adj


Diane is always buying me presents – she’s so generous.

hard-working adj

/hɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ/

Mary is a hard-working person so I’m sure she will pass her exams.

honest adj


Wendy is so honest – she always tells the truth.

imaginative adj


My daughter is really imaginative and is always writing stories.

immature adj


He’s nearly 26 now, but he’s still so immature.

impatient adj


Megan always wants things right now – she’s so impatient.

independent adj


Karen lives on her own because she likes to be independent.

insecure adj


Stuart is really insecure about the way he looks.

insensitive adj


She asked him about his divorce which I think was very insensitive.

irresponsible adj


I don’t want you to go out with Vanessa tonight – she’s too irresponsible.

jealous adj


Louise is really jealous of Pete because he has a great job.

kind adj


My wife is really kind – she’s always doing things for other people.

lazy adj


Ian never does any housework – he’s so lazy.

mature adj


She’s only twelve, but she’s very mature for her age.

mean adj


My sister never shares her things – she’s really mean.

moody adj


Our teenage son is always moody and bad-tempered.

obey v


You should obey your parents.

offend v


You should try not to offend people.

opinion n


What’s your opinion of the new government?

organized adj


Our administrator is really organized.

outgoing adj


James is really outgoing and has many friends.

patient adj


You need to be patient if you want to be a driving instructor.

quiet adj


Anna is so quiet – it’s really hard to talk to her.

rebellious adj


Julie is really rebellious and never does what her parents tell her to do.

reliable adj


Ken is not very reliable – he’s always late.

responsible adj


Our son is very responsible and hard-working.

self-confident adj

/self ˈkɒnfɪdənt/

She’s a very self-confident and sociable child.

selfish adj


Jane is really selfish and only ever thinks of herself.

sensible adj


Our teenage daughter is really sensible so we can trust her.

sensitive adj


Helen is always crying – she’s really sensitive.

shy adj


I’m really shy and find it hard to meet new people.

sociable adj


Jack’s really sociable and has lots of friends.

spoilt adj


Rachel is so spoilt – her parents are always giving her money.

stubborn adj


My dad is really stubborn and never changes his mind.

stupid adj


My parents think that all my friends are stupid.

talkative adj


Lucy is very talkative – we chatted for hours.

tidy adj


Harry is really tidy so his house always looks great.

unambitious adj


I was unambitious when I was young so I didn’t study much.

unfriendly adj


I met our new boss this morning and he was really unfriendly.

unimaginative adj


The children’s story was boring and unimaginative.

unkind adj


Don’t be unkind to your poor brother.

unreliable adj


I’m not going to ask Colin for help because he is really unreliable.

unselfish adj


Adam is really unselfish and always thinks of others.

Prepare your oral:

- Include vocabulary about personality and family in the second monologue.
- Include the appropriate structures (present simple, should, expressing opinions, expressing likes, etc)
- Connectors (so, besides, however, whereas, on the one hand, etc.). 


Answer these questions to prepare your monologue about Family and Personality. Remember that you do not necessarily need to answer all the questions given.

- Do you have brothers or sisters?
- Describe your personality and compare it with your brothers and sisters' ones.
- What's your position in your family (oldest, youngest, middle)?
- Do you think your position influences your personality?
- Which has more advantages being an only child or having brothers and sisters? Why?
- Do you think the number of people getting divorced will go up or down in the future?
- Do you think the birth rate will go up or down in the future?
- Do you think families should have a meal together every day?
- Do you think parents should be 'friends' with their children on social networking sites eg. Twitter, Facebook, etc.?

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