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Web on what to do in London


Pay attention to the vocabulary he uses to describe the activities and try to copy him when speaking about it.

He wants some scuba gear for the kids.


Trekking - Make a trek

Some idioms about sports


The ball is in your court = la pelota está en tu tejado

Go to bat for someone  = salir en apoyo de

On target  = en el blanco

On the ball  = manos a la obra

Start the ball rolling  = iniciar un debate, una conversación

Take the bull by the horns  = coger al toro por los cuernos

Take the wind out of one's sails  = tomar la delantera

Time out  = tiempo libre, recreo



Take a chance on  (arriesgarse a)

Outdo -    It is a little bit hard to try to outdo your last record.




Put at risk -            Financing of malaria programmes is also put at risk by the global financial crisis.

Run the risk of -    We now run the risk of seeing the system that we live in, based on freedom, collapse through forgetting                                            equality.

                      + ING (falling off a cliff) 

Risk factor 

Risky situations:   

    You can skydive without a parachute. 

    She had a scuba diving accident. (Ella tuvo un accidente de buceo.)


Assess the risk - Be aware of the risk - There is an element of risk

High-risk / low-risk sport



Cautious  (prudente)  -  Take precautions  -  It is not worth the risk  VS  Careless  (imprudente) -  Put sb at risk ---) Helpless                                                                                                                                Negligent                                                       (indefenso)






At the risk of one's life                                                      -        Rescue workers  -  Provide support

To service to the Red Cross may be at the risk of one's life            Provide support to victims






Share your experiences about risk. What are the reasons you have taken a risk? What are the consequences you have faced?


What do you know about people who take risks? What is a risk-taker looking for?


What makes people take risks? 


How do we know which risks are worth taking? What kinds of risks have positive consequences?



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